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Still Infertile

It has really been a week of it in terms of our infertility. I've restarted the pill to help manage my endo until I can speak to a specialist in September, while the chances of us falling pregnant naturally are minute they're even less if I'm on the pill. I hate that I am back on synthetic hormones, I hate that it's probably going to make me spotty and swollen and hormonal and I hate more that it eliminates the slightest hope of a natural conception. Daft I'm sure but has definitely made me a little blue.   Then our first Fertility clinic called because we have what's left of M's sperm in storage with them and it's that time of year where we have to make a decision... Pay another year's storage fees or discard them. Due to their quality and the clinics policies they need to be destroyed, not used for scientific purposes.   We moved to embryo donation because using our own genetics just wasn't working. We did a lot of therapy around that decision ...

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