IVF Round 2 Update - Half way through
An update of sorts, today is CD12 and in some ways I feel like there isn't much to tell, a
FET is certainly a very different experience to a full round of IVF. There have been no injections this time and everything is happening a lot quicker, although in true IVF fashion it does also feel like time is standing still.
On CD1 I started taking Progynova, this is Oestrogen taken 3x a day to thicken up my endometrial lining, I noticed quite quickly that I get quite nauseated for about an hour - mostly manageable though, I have also had headaches pretty much daily varying in severity but again mostly manageable. Fatigue has been pretty real, the first week I was crashing out on the sofa as soon as I sat on it and that was me out for the evening, waking up is like trying to climb out of a tar pit every time and I have had the most vivid dreams but any and all details vanish upon waking which is really frustrating. The only other side effect I have noticed is that I am most incredibly emotional, not all of the time, but most of it! If I am not a little irrationally cross and sweary I am definitely a little teary. I cried at the fact that some chicken had gone off and I didn't know what to make for dinner - those are the moments you realise it definitely IS the meds!
Yesterday I had our monitoring scan and all is well, lining is thickening up nicely, 8.7mm already, their minimum thickness for transfer is 8mm so delighted with that. Bloods were taken to check my oestrogen level and I got a call today from Sheffield where our embryos are located to say it looks like transfer will be Tuesday but that they will confirm by the morning once the blood results are in - delighted! Next step prior to transfer will be to introduce pessaries, I am not looking forward to these at all. 4 per day, 12 hours apart, same time every day - I don't manage tampons well with my tilted uterus and my endo is so bloody fragile lately too so I am honestly dreading this part - not to mention the vast amounts of progesterone I will be chucking inside me - please God may there be no evil side effects.
Moaning aside, tt feels like this time my body is co-operating, it's not responding slowly or growing cysts, my ovaries are clear and there are no cysts at all on the scan, win! We now have the Easter weekend ahead before Embryo Transfer in t'North and then the dreaded two week wait (TWW).
Work is crazy, we are going through a restructure and we are especially short staffed and I am aware that it is a potentially very stress inducing thing for me at the moment, I will have day of transfer and hopefully the day after off and that's it. Between other peoples annual leave and us being so low on people I couldn't take more time off if I wanted to but I'm not sure if I want to. Part of me thinks I would rather be off work the entire two weeks, do some bits around the house that I have been putting off, catch up with friends and family now that the UK restrictions are being lifted a little, leave the very stressful workload and environment behind for a couple of weeks and just try and enjoy being PUPO. The other part of me thinks I would have too much time, M can't take the time off anyway and if this is the start of us being pregnant we, but especially he, will need as much holiday as he can get.
So instead I am trying to take snatches of time, the few days running up to transfer we have my step kids for the Easter weekend, while it is awesome to have them it also isn't the calmest of environments with them all here but at least it is the good kind of chaos, I just hope I don't feel too rotten and we will laugh lots.
We will then have a day off before transfer and hopefully the day after, the time from there until test day will be the challenge - trying to have little moments of nice things is key I believe, hopefully we will have some good weather and we can take some nice long walks, get an ice cream, catch up with friends and family and mainly focus on a positive, healthy attitude - all while trying to not test early and remembering to keep taking the meds. Still a long way to go yet but I am pleased and excited we are progressing. Just shitting myself that stress will be my downfall - positive, must think positive - literally!
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