Infertility abbreviations

So after diagnosis of MFI, Low AMH/DOR and endo, he had a SSR then we started ICSI, After several USS we down regged, stimmed, had ER, our embabies didn't make it to blast so we never became PUPO or started the 2WW, a couple of weeks later AF was late, while POAS with a HPT we got the expected BFN, saving to do it all again, sticky thoughts for a BFP!

This is our story in a crazy abbreviated version! You can read in depth about our 1st round here

If you're a infertility veteran you problem know most/all of these. If not here is a handy list to help you out:

AF: Aunt Flo: your period
AMH: Anti-Mullerian Hormone - a test to advise quantity of eggs
ART: Assisted reproductive technology such as IVF
BBT: Basal body temperature: ovulation can be tracked as temperature rises around the time of ovulation
BD: Baby dance: sex for conception
BFN: Big fat negative: negative pregnancy test result
BFP: Big fat positive: positive pregnancy test result
CB: Cycle buddy: someone you get to know well through your journey
CD/CD1: Cycle day, which is the number of days into the cycle counting the first day of bleeding as CD1
DE: Donor eggs
DF: Dear fiancĂ©
DH: Dear husband
DP: Dear partner
DOR: Diminished Ovarian Reserve
DPT: Days post-transfer: days after an embryo is transferred into the uterus in an IVF cycle
DPO: Days post-ovulation, e.g. 5DPO, usually used when someone is waiting to take a pregnancy test
DW: Dear wife
EDD: Estimated due date
ER: Egg retrieval
ET: Embryo transfer
EWCM: “Egg White” cervical mucus - nice - description of cervical mucus usually in the run up to ovulation
FET: Frozen embryo transfer
HCG: Human chorionic gonadotropin: the hormone pregnancy tests look for
ICSI: Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection - where a single sperm is injected directly in to each egg
IF: Infertility
IUI: Intra-uterine insemination: placement of “washed” sperm directly into the uterus, rather than the vagina, through a small tube passed through the cervix
IVF: In-vitro fertilization: procedure where an egg is fertilized with sperm outside the womb, then implanted in a woman’s uterus
LH: Luteinizing hormone - the hormone the ovulation test kits look for to see if you’re ovulating
LMP: Last menstrual period: first day
LSP: Low sperm count
MA, m/a, misc: Miscarriage
MFI: Male factor infertility
O/OV: Ovulation
OH: Other half
OPT or OPK: Ovulation predictor test or kit using urine or saliva to detect an upcoming ovulation 12 to 50 hours before it happens
Prog: Progesterone: hormone that supports the lining of the uterus to develop each month so that an embryo can implant and start a pregnancy. Also required for pregnancy to continue.
PAF: Pregnancy after infertility
PCOS: Polycystic ovary syndrome: a condition where female sex hormones are out of balance, which can prevent regular ovulation, making it more difficult to get pregnant
PG: Pregnant
POAS: Pee on a Stick: take home pregnancy test
POF: Premature ovarian failure: also known as early menopause
PUPO: Pregnant until proven otherwise
RE: Reproductive endocrinologist: specialist who treats infertility and reproductive disorders in women and men (usually an American term)
RPL: Recurrent pregnancy loss
SA: Semen analysis
SSR: Surgical sperm retrieval 
TI: Timed intercourse
TTC: Trying to conceive
TWW or 2WW: Two week wait: the period between ovulation and when you can test for pregnancy
US or USS: Ultrasound or Ultrasound scan

Goodness I wish I'd had this at start oc our journey. This list is by no means complete, I'm sure there are plenty I'm missing but hopefully should give you a good guide.
Also - I am not a medical professional or a fertility specialist- this is all self taught and my understanding of these things, please always check with your clinic or a medical professional if you don't understand part of your treatment. 


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