Infertility is like a recipe - our babycake

Infertility is hard, it is a bitter pill to swallow. It is a drain on you physically and emotionally, when you get to the stage of medical intervention whether it is clomid or IUI or IVF, it involves giving so much of yourself and at the end of the process, when you are worn out, you may or may not get those all important 2 pink lines. When it doesn't work a certain level of evaluation has to be done. 

In our circumstances I felt like I was starting to look at it like a recipe - what are the key components of this baby cake and what could be left out if we don't have it, what could be substituted if it's been dropped on the floor or you have run out or you can't afford it. Cheesy I know, it's gonna get worse... enjoy!

So in the manor of keeping things light hearted, and in a nationwide lockdown where we aren't doing treatment and the pandemic is rampaging through the country; lighthearted may be all we have. I imagined our baby cake would be a mix of:
-black hair
-brown hair
-green eyes
-brown eyes 
-awfully thick eyebrows
-my broad nose 
-his need for glasses 
-my itchy skin 

Instead we have limited knowledge of what baby cake we will get:
-red hair
-brown hair
-blue eyes 
-brown eyes
... that's all we know. 

It's like looking at a picture of a cake mix and having no idea what flavours it has in it but knowing that the key things that are in every cake are there regardless and more importantly knowing that we both love cake and we will decorate it with the following:
-sprinkles of love
-hundreds and thousands of hugs and kisses
-big fudgy bits of kindness and good
-buttercream icing of our sense of humour

And whatever awesome yummy toppings we can find! I wouldn't mind if it doesn't have the chunky eyebrows though!


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